Endometriosis is a condition where the tissue that lines the uterus is found elsewhere, most commonly on the lining of your pelvis and ovaries.
Endometriosis may cause:
- period pain,
- pain with sex,
- ovarian cysts and
- infertility.
Some women with endometriosis have no symptoms at all and no trouble conceiving.
But this is not the case for every woman.
As part of your infertility investigations, endometriosis is always considered by taking a history and reviewing any scan results you have.
Endometriosis can be missed by ultrasound alone so if there is a strong suspicion then a laparoscopy may be recommended.
Laparoscopy allows your obstetrician to be able see any endometriosis and they can then make a diagnosis. During the procedure, they will remove all visible endometriosis and this may improve your chance of natural conception. Some women require no additional treatment to conceive.
Can I have Endometriosis in my ovary?
It is possible to have deposits and cysts of endometriosis within one or both of your ovaries.
If you have endometriosis in your ovary, this will cause a reduction in your fertility levels.
Removing visible endometriosis on the lining of the pelvis helps with natural conception but treating endometriosis in the ovary is not so clear.
Removing ovarian endometriosis may improve the chance of conception, however the surgery can also reduce your egg count.
Whether or not to have surgery will depend on a number of issues, your obstetrician will discuss with you:
how extensive the endometriosis is
- what previous surgery has been performed
- your egg reserve
- and any other infertility factors.
If you would like to discuss preparing for pregnancy, IVF, or fertility issues. Give us a call.